Weather the Storm! Our condensed format Business Books are bursts of inspiration...
In the modern world where attention spans are limited to just seconds, the series provides just enough information to get motivated.
Business Survival Guide: The Ultimate Strategic Small Business Guide for Start-ups and Growth Planning. The Business Survival Guide from award winning business advisor touches on what you need to know about developing a strategic plan as a start-up, for existing business growth, or projecting reasonable business outcomes. For all business types.
Paperback – $24.99 version available.
How to Write a Business Plan Tips touches on all the things you need to know about writing a great business plan, set goals for the business, concept analysis, and ultimately build the business of your dreams, or help someone else write a successful plan.
Paperback – $9.99 or Kindle – $3.99 versions available.
Creative Ways to Fund your Small Business in Todays Economy – Making Sense of Highly Uncertain Business Environments: The greatest protective challenges an entrepreneur faces throughout the various stages of owning a business are directly related to: Finding and Securing Capital.
Guide is packed with information on the safety or risk of various ways to raise money. For: Entrepreneurs, Start-Ups or Start-Up Thinkers, Students, and Existing Businesses.
Paperback – $8.99 or Kindle – $3.99 versions available.
Basics in Creating Financial Projections touches on all the things you need to know about projecting business outcomes and get a good idea of forecasting business. Forecasting helps guide where the business is going in relation to your overall business plan. The result helps set goals and ultimately builds equity in the business of your dreams.
The book can be a great option in helping someone else with a sustainable plan.
Paperback – $9.99 version available.
Resume Writing: 10 Ridiculously Simple Tips touches on all the things you need to know about writing a great resume, boosting your changes to ultimately getting the job, or helping someone else write a fantastic resume.
We’ll give you important tips to consider when determining exactly what to plan for in content along with style/design options, key words, and format.
Paperback – $7.99 or Kindle – $2.99 versions available.
Connecting your Business Plan to a Modern World – Book touches on enhanced storylines, better product development, and faster diverse distribution channelsa and helps readers become more familiar with writing, business planning, statistics, and understanding the obstacles we face - now, verses years past as today's world changes around us.
For: Business Advisors, Entrepreneurs, Start-Ups or Start-Up Thinkers, and Existing Businesses
Paperback – $7.99 or Kindle – $2.99 versions available
10 Ridiculously Simple Audition for the Stage Tips - touches on things you need to know about auditioning for a stage role, and improving your chance to ultimately getting cast.
Covering tips in determining exactly what to plan for in content, style and other considerations as it relates to the type role and production.
Kindle E-book version - downloads in minutes, 2.99