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Resume Writing Tips for Beginners / Career Changers

First of all, you hate to write, don't you? Especially when you have to write about yourself. And because you have to write a resume and a cover letter, it makes it even more difficult.

Most importantly, you'll need some quick resume writing tips and learn how to write a great resume. Likewise, it's very common that many people do not look forward to completing even a draft.

Therefore the task can be less than motivating

Resume Writing Book Image

And a great job may depend on how well you write a your resume and its content.

Research shows that an employer will lose interest in your cover letter and resume if you don't stand out. Most HR professionals look for keywords in content and edit resume reviews just by this standard, thus possibly bypassing yours. In addition, you'll need to show performance and sufficient experience before you even get to the first interview.

10 Ridiculously Simple Resume Writing Tips (by John DeGaetano, certified business advisor; 28 pages) touches on lots of important points to be aware of when if comes to writing content. The paperback version or e-book is available on Amazon gives you 10 of the most important resume writing tips. These tips will guide you in determining exactly what to plan for in content along with style considerations as it relates to the type of business. All this for a tiny price tag.

About the Series: In addition to how to write a great resume, there are several self help tip e-books covering subjects like sales and marketing to motivation tips and training tips. Straightforward information in a condensed format. For more information visit the Books and Artwork website or purchase the book on Amazon.


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