Case of Revenge: Sherlock Holmes 10 Minute Plays Debuts in NYC

Case of Revenge: Sherlock Holmes 10 Minute Plays Debuts in NYC

10 Minute Plays: Archive post discussing a previous 2012 debut performance of "Case of Revenge." One of many in the series of Sherlock Holmes 10 Minutes Plays performed at NYC's Short Play Lab, the play is "a quick shotgun blast of dramatic material, designed to keep the viewer guessing at the solution."

Roy Aria Theater logo

The 10 minute plays, Case of Revenge by John DeGaetano (SHERLOCK HOLMES 10 MINUTE PLAYS, available on AMAZON). One of the short play's premiere production was on Sept 22nd and 23rd, 2012 at the Short Play Lab at the Roy Arias Theatre, 300 West 43rd Street in Manhattan.

About the Books: Case of Revenge is just one in the series of nine entirely new stories featured. Additionally featured were other short plays at the event. The three books each contain three new 10 Minute Plays. The concept is to encourage schools, drama classes, senior activity centers and of course theater groups to perform the assortment of short stories.

The talented New York cast for the Sept event included: David Burfoot as Sherlock Holmes.  Also cast was Ron Barba as Doctor Watson, Leslie C Nemet as Mrs. Hudson, and Colleen McGloin as a mystery woman.

Sherlock Holmes 10 Minute Plays Book 1 Cover Image

Learn more about the short play series.

Above all, the Short Play Lab and similar events offer playwrights and New York City audience members interesting new works. Feature is material from up-and-coming writers in development. These events are a great experience for playwrights and audiences alike as writer's refine their work.

Several productions of the Sherlock Holmes short performance pieces have appeared in London and the States. As a stage director, and business advisor, John DeGaetano has been involved in musical theatre for many years in the San Francisco Bay Area. "Writing the works has been rewarding and challenging" says John. "The effort, a change from stage directing, helps define the visual possibilities." To learn more about the play series visit the website or purchase the series from Amazon.


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